2 Dimensional Design - Week 5

10.3.15 (Week 5)
Jasmine Yeoh (0321190)
2 Dimensional Design
Assignment: Transformation Portrait (progress)

Mr Choy gave us an assignment where we had to change or transform a portrait of your friend so this is what I did. 

Ever since I did Photography as an elective in Sem 1, I became more interested in it and how to combine that new formed skill with my drawings.

Firstly I took a couple of pictures of my friends at the Photo Studio using a DSLR camera.

I worked on the picture of Guru first but turns out I didn't like the composition of the picture so I cropped. This composition is better because only then it becomes a portrait and there is more focus on the subject's face and it is also more pleasing to the eye because it utilises the rule of thirds.

My inspiration by another artist:

 The Progress:



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