15.6.15 (Week 18)
Jasmine Yeoh (0321190)
2 Dimensional Design
Final Project: Monogram (sketches)
For our final project, we are required to design a monogram and place them on 6 different items.
We first had to come up with many small sketches of designs for our monogram.
After we have shown the designs to Mr Choy, he gave us feedback and we had to choose 2 which we liked the most and make different variations of them

In the end, I decided to go for this monogram which is actually a design I developed in my Printmaking class in Semester 1 but I tweaked it slightly and developed it further. Then I started thinking about what items to put my monogram on and roughly sketching them out.

I tested it out on a couple of phone cases just to see how I liked my monogram design. I used black sharpie and a white paint marker.